Retention Policy

Last reviewed – 01 July 2022

Your privacy is important to us. This Retention Policy is where we explain to you how long we may retain personal information that is given to us. In this policy we specify the company’s guidelines for retaining different types of data. This policy has some flexibility to allow for early deletion/anonymisation if appropriate.

This policy covers all company data stored on company-owned, company-leased, and otherwise company-provided systems and media, regardless of location.

The types of personal information that we collect, its purpose, and retention period is detailed in the tables below.

Newsletter sign-up
Company functionType of personal dataRetention period
Administrationcontact details: First, Last Name, email
address, job, organisation
2 years; data will be deleted after 1
year of inactivity
Company functionType of personal dataRetention period
HRpersonnel record: e.g. contact details,
recruitment documents, image/film, emails
6 years
contract6 years+1 (current year)
medical records40 years from the date of the last
Health and SafetyAccident books, records and reports3 years after last entry or end of
investigation if later
Financesalary records (incl. overtime, expenses)6 years+1 (current year)
bank details, tax details6 years+1 (current year)
6 years from the end of the scheme
year in which the event took place
HRunsuccessful candidates contact details,
recruitment documents, letters/emails
6 months
Company functionType of personal dataRetention period
HRpersonnel record: e.g. contact details,
passports/ID, biography, image, film, emails,
A1 forms
3 years
contract6 years+1 (current year)
Disclosure Scotland: PVG certificate3 years
medical records40 years from the date of the last
Health and SafetyAccident books, records and reports3 years after last entry or end of
investigation if later
Financebank details, tax details6 years+1 (current year)
Company functionType of personal dataRetention period
Administrationcontact details6 years
Administrationcontract6 years+1 (current year)
Company functionType of personal dataRetention period
Administrationcontact details: First, Last Name, email
address, job, organisation
3 years
Company functionType of personal dataRetention period
Administrationcontact details, film, image, composition,
3 years or until the child/young
adult reaches the age of 21what
ever comes first