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International travel survey for musicians

The Scottish Classical Sustainability Group (SCSG), which we are part of, has just launched a UK-wide survey on international travel for musicians. 

International touring is a key part of the music industry. It’s great at creating cultural exchange. But it’s also one of the industry’s biggest sources of carbon emissions. 

How do we balance these things? We want to hear from musicians directly – how often you travel internationally, what works for you, and what doesn’t. What do you want international touring to look like in future? It’ll only take 10 minutes.

The Scottish Classical Sustainability Group is made up of 30+ classical music organisations, but we’re also interested in the experiences of musicians working in other fields – i.e. folk, jazz, pop and more.

This survey will help us gauge current attitudes to international travel and better understand the challenges preventing the sector from lowering its international travel emissions. 

Tell us your thoughts here: https://forms.gle/EFjSdQ38pBG4WRBRA

Using the responses, the Scottish Classical Sustainability Group will publish a report reflecting the current state of international touring. This will be shared across the industry and with funders. We want to inform how we can maintain international cultural exchange whilst taking better care of the planet.

31 October, 2024 - 0:00 to 23:59


We would like to encourage our audience to use low emission forms of transport to attend our concerts. Please use the links below to find out how to get there by public transport and cycling: