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Nordic Music Days Conference 2024

As part of this year's Nordic Music Days Conference, our Director of Working with Communities Louise Martin will be part of a discussion on community, education, and co-creation.

Presented in collaboration between Nordic Music Days Festival and the Music subject area within the College of Arts & Humanities University of Glasgow, the Nordic Music Days Conference will be two days of exchange and discussion on current musical practices across the Nordic region and Scotland.

The conference will focus on three main areas:  

  • music education and community practice  
  • instruments, sounds and technologies  
  • impacts of innovation and experimentation 

As part of the Tuesday session on community, education, and co-creation, Red Note’s Director of Working with Communities Louise Martin and Dr Jill Morgan (Royal Conservatoire of Scotland) will be talking about the success and impact of An Easterhouse Children’s Manifesto – or Listen to your dog! What 200 primary school collaborators taught us about artistic honesty, joy, and what the world should look like.

As well as Louise’s presentation, there will an Easterhouse Children’s Manifesto installation at the Centre for Contemporary Arts Courtyard from Wednesday 30 September to Saturday 2 November. 

Tickets for the Nordic Music Days Conference are free and available now via Eventbrite.

Nordic Music Days 2024 is a Nordic Composers Council project, managed on their behalf by the Danish Composers Society in collaboration with the Royal Scottish National Orchestra.

29 October, 2024 - 13:30 to 15:00

University of Glasgow Advanced Research Centre
11 Chapel Lane Glasgow
Glasgow - G11 6EW

Cost: Free

We would like to encourage our audience to use low emission forms of transport to attend our concerts. Please use the links below to find out how to get there by public transport and cycling: