Noisy Nights 5

Traverse Theatre Bar 10 Cambridge Street, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Trumpet, viola and french horn

Noisy Nights 6 @ ARTMUSFAIR

Georgics Bar Millenium Hotel, George Sq., Glasgow, United Kingdom

No. 6 in Red Note's regular informal chamber series showcasing fresh-off-the-page music by new, emerging and established composers - this time with an international twist, for an ensemble of flute, horn, 'cello and marimba.


RSAMD Concert Hall 100 Renfrew St, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Red Note side-by-side with the RSAMD's ensemble MusicLab, in repertoire including Peter Maxwell Davies' The Birds, Yannis Kyriakides Tinkling and music by Helmut Oehring and Gordon McPherson.

Noisy Nights 6

Traverse Theatre Bar 10 Cambridge Street, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

No. 6 in Red Note's regular informal chamber series showcasing fresh-off-the-page music by new, emerging and established composers - this time with an international twist, for an ensemble of flute, horn, 'cello and marimba.